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Arifa Akter
Jan 31, 2022
In General Discussion
When identifying the preferred content of Generation Z , 61% say they enjoy humorous content more . 52% prefer specific content that fax number list matches their interests and 36% that material that allows them to acquire new knowledge. In relation to this, when identifying their current favorite account by means of adjectives, 72% consider fax number list it to be nice, followed by 63% who would qualify it as unique, while 60% would highlight humor. Credibility is also a highly valued aspect 50% of young people between 16 and 24 years old fax number list believe that YouTubers are the most credible influencers. Next would be the streamers with 33% and the instagramers with 27%. The video game sector long ago ceased to be a very specific fax number list and isolated niche that brands do not care about. Right now, especially with the rise of Twitch , it's an industry that a fax number list lot of companies are investing in . In fact, ad revenue in this space is expected to reach $56 billion by 2024, according to data from Omnia. Advertisers have an opportunity in this fax number list environment to capture new audiences. However, being a field under exploration, the performance of ads in video games is still to be understood. To address this, Oracle has introduced 3D gaming ad measurement technology. The latest updates to Oracle Advertising and Customer fax number list Experience include impression delivery and general invalid traffic measurement for PC, mobile, and web gaming. All this through Oracle Moat Measurement , which helps brands, agencies, publishers and platforms fax number list to meet their challenges in the measurement of digital and television. ​Oracle Moat Measurement will guide advertisers in the video game sector "It's critical for advertisers to be able to measure whether an ad has reached a human and detect any fraudulent fax number list advertising activity within games,"

Arifa Akter

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